| Friday, July 31, 2007 |  |  |  As predicted, I missed a week. :P I did scan a batch a week, I just neglected to upload them when I did so. There are nine new images in the gallery.
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 | Friday, July 13, 2007 |  |  |  It took me a little longer than I intended, but I did get around to updating again. I've added six new images to the gallery section, and so far I've barely put a dent in the stuff I have to scan. I'm going to try to get at least a few up every week, but I'm sure I'll miss a few here and there.
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 | Wednesday, June 13, 2007 |  |  |  I got a decent chunk of my school stuff, and one random image, uploaded. I have sixteen new images in the gallery section. This isn't nearly all the images I have to upload, but it's a decent start.
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 | Tuesday, June 12, 2007 |  |  |  I uploaded all the files and images today. I reorganized the gallery section a bit, but I still haven't uploaded any new images. I have a TON of stuff to add, so that section will get some additions soon.
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 | Monday, June 04, 2007 |  |  |  As you can see if you've been here before, I've changed the design of the site. I have a lot of new images that I'm in the process of scanning and uploading. I'm keeping all the old images, but most of those will be moved into an archive section.
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Copyright 2007 Thomas Bonvillain